Our Location

Click on the map and find your way to us

For Large Campers

DO NOT enter Davis Rd from West Meadow Rd. Road is tight and winding.
  • The best way to enter the camp on Davis Road is to follow along route 31
  • If you’re coming from east or west is 124 & 119

Check out some of the local attractions

Nashoba Paddler

Discover a rich canoeing environment just one hour northwest of Boston in the rolling Nashoba Valley! The famous, restored Nashua River and its winding tributaries are a treasure of north central Massachusetts. Nashoba Paddler's rental base is right on the river. We pride ourselves in making environmental education a part of everything we do. There’s something for everyone!

Mount Watatic

With an elevation of 1832 feet, has long been a popular destination for day-trippers and through-hikers who want to experience the spectacular 360-degree views that this little mountain affords. The Mount Watatic Reservation hosts a diversity of ecological features for you and your pup to explore, including many large outcrops, steep forested slopes, wetlands, and a bald rocky summit.

Minute Man National Historical Park

Located 22 miles outside of Boston within the towns of Lexington, Lincoln and Concord, Massachusetts. The park commemorates the opening battles of the American Revolution on April 19, 1775 by protecting, preserving and interpreting the significant historic sites, structures, landscapes, events and ideas embodied by these events.

Cathedral of the Pines

Cathedral of the Pines is a place of spiritual nourishment for people of all faiths. It is also a national memorial to patriotic sacrifice, a physical declaration that we will not forget those men and women who have served our country. The sense of peace engendered by the tall pines that form its natural surroundings is conducive to prayer and meditation. Its peaceful, garden-lined walk ways contain serene, inspirational landscapes as well as quiet spots for prayer and mediation.

Thank You To Our Sponsors
And Their Local Services